Consulting Services.
This service is for human resource associates of an organization, or independent investigators, who have drafted a workplace investigation report and would like it to be reviewed. The review will ensure that the report is legally defensible, by addressing all the required elements needed in the report, identifying areas within the report where there are elements of bias, as well as risks pertaining to procedural fairness.
This service is for human resource associates of an organization, or independent investigators, who have begun, are in the middle of, or concluding a workplace investigation. The individual will have the opportunity to present the information they have collected, and will receive suggestions on how to proceed with their investigation in a manner that reflects impartiality and procedural fairness.
This service is for new organizations who want to establish an internal investigation’s process. This service will deliver a beginning to end investigations process that is tailored to reflect the internal policies of the organization as well as legislation on harassment within the jurisdiction the organization operates within. The organization will be provided with an investigation guideline, as well as templates needed to facilitate the investigations process, to assist staff responsible for conducting workplace investigations within the organization.